What did you do today? Why did you do it? What did you enjoy? What bothered you? And why did it bother you?
I have learned so much more about myself these past few months than ever before in my life. That's because I used to live without a plan and without being aware of the countless daily events and experiences. I wanted to travel the world, learn new languages and volunteer but these are not a priority for me right now.
Receiving the Dr. Taen-Yu Dai Memorial Award from Dr. Sunmonu, Chair of the Mathematics and Computer Science department at the 2017 York College Honor Recognition Ceremony.
Life has taught me that I need to prioritize things- the first being to get my degree. I will always have time to learn a new language, travel the world and volunteer. Life has also taught me to enjoy every single moment on my path to success, whatever that path is, wherever it leads and however I define success. Five years ago, I thought I couldn't survive college and that four years of school was too long. Five years later and here I am, with my Bachelor of Science in mathematics, with a minor in physics and planning to start a master’s program in about a month and, hopefully, medical school, sometime in the near future. Instead of worrying about how long it will take me, I'm takings thing slowly, while trying to enjoy every single moment of my journey. Patience is very rewarding. You can never skip some major steps in life because it might come back to haunt you. Don't rush anything. I'm very confident that when the time is right, it will just happen. I would have done the heavy lifting.
If you ever think that you might have offended me, you must know that I don't take things personally, but I also don't forget what people say or do. I believe what someone says about another individual tells how much he or she values that person and their relationship. I don't forget, but I forgive. There have been many times in the past two years when I have had to deal with hypocrisy and jealousy and it has definitely been a learning experience. Don't invest too much of yourself in people that don’t appreciate you. Don't waste your time and feelings on the wrong people. We all make mistakes, but what make us different is how we deal with our mistakes. When you offend someone on purpose or not, the right thing is to apologize. At least, you will get that off your chest. The person whom you offended also has the right to accept or reject your apology, and you must respect that but, at least, first, do the right thing!
Every day presents an opportunity for growth. Every day is also an opportunity to learn more about yourself and the world. Whatever ideas you have, don't be afraid to share them. Perhaps, if you don’t, there may come a time when someone else might implement the same ideas first and you have to deal with the sinking realization that you have lost.
Finally, don't forget that life doesn't stop at your workplace or your school; it goes beyond that. The impressions you make on people could be lifelong. However, you can't force friendships. Some relationships are just not meant to happen. Remember how far you have come. Remember life is a journey. Remember everything you have faced- all the battles you have won and all the fears you have had to overcome. And … more importantly, embrace the future.